I come from a family of seamstresses. Making clothing is a tradition passed down through generations. Both of my grandmothers made garments for their children, and my aunt was a seamstress by trade. I would spend hours in her workshop, rummaging through remnants, and studying her creations. I always left her home with a bag of materials, and a million ideas. It was there that my passion for making clothes ignited.
My parents purchased my first sewing machine when I was 10. Before that, I hand sewed quilts and dresses for my dolls using bits of my aunt’s leftover cloth and buttons and trim from my mother’s kit. My parents were quick to respond to my emerging interests, and signed me up for classes. My passion for garments brought me to study women’s wear at Parson’s, and then to a career in women’s fashion. I worked hard bringing other designer’s work to life—aritsts I truly admired—but I persistently felt the call to create my own brand.
When my daughter, Sabine, was born, something fundamentally changed in me. Giving birth to her touched the most courageous part of my soul, what felt like a deep well of fortitude that gave me courage to become the person, mother, and professional I wanted to be. Motherhood quelled fears I had about putting myself and my work into the world.
At the same time, I began making clothes for Sabine I couldn’t find on the market. The pieces I made for her were unique, crafted with love, skill, and a sense of elegance. Crafting clothes for my daughter just as I had done for my dolls as a little girl. A creative birthright, I realized, is to be shared. Tache De Naissance was born.
I hope that you too find something to treasure here!
x Gabrielle